Sorcha ‘likes’ cilantro

The peppers are still recovering very well, and given the sorry state they had reached, I’m pleasantly surprised and very grateful!  My cilantro, however, has taken a turn for the much-worse.

It started earlier this week when we had a few storms come through so I set the cilantro outside thinking it could benefit from the fresh, lightning-infused air, and when I looked at the weather the next day, I saw that the high temp wasn’t supposed to exceed the upper 80s, so I left the plant outside thinking that it’d be safe since it would remain below 90.

Nope!  It wilted quite a bit and even began to turn paler.  So, I brought it back inside and set it back up on the nightstand.

Then at some point, Sorcha (I think) got into it and started tearing off leaf-bits and even uprooted one of the main stems by the root.  The whole plant flattened.  It’s grown gradually (yet quickly) paler and yellower ever since.  Dammit!  I had it going pretty good, too.  It’d been pretty happy inside and was starting to grow darker green and upright.

I did a little research and saw that many people had given up trying to grow cilantro.  And then there were the lucky ducks who’d figured it out.  It’s delicate and finicky.  I hate having to get it from the store, since it’s a bit pricey and you’re committed to this bunch that starts to go bad pretty quickly and you end up tossing half of it.  It’s also much pricier per amount from the store, compared to growing it yourself.  Since it’s used in warmer climates’ cuisines, you’d think it’d grow more easily in the heat, but it doesn’t.  I’m still trying to figure everything out.  It’s a long, sometimes-tough road.

But hey, at least the peppers are doing well!  I’ve nursed the cilantro back to health(ier) before from a similar-ish state, so hopefully I can do that again.  It’s finicky about watering, too, though.  And plant food.  And temps.  And everything else.  Lol.

Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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