Introducing: plant food

I played a lot with my plants yesterday, after I finished with some morning work.

The leaves on some of the pepper plants kept yellowing, and one jalapeño even stopped growing, stunted, and turned purple.  I texted a lot with my Wise Gardening Friend, and she said the pepper was actually ripe and advised me to go ahead and pick it.  Wow!  OK then lol.

She also advised me to use the plant food, the yellowing could be lack of nutrients.  Wouldn’t surprise me, given how they came when I got them.

Younger jalapeño
Older jalapeño

So I mixed up a batch of that.  My microgreens spray bottle broke on Monday afternoon, so I’d placed an order for a different one, which arrived last night.  I’ve ordered the bottle and a compost bin.

I need to get bags for my compost bin before I can actually use it, though.  You don’t want to keep that mess in the bin itself, and trust me, the material we have saved up would be messy and smelly lol.

I also need to put my big new spray bottle into use.  The mechanism feels cheap, but it had better ratings than most.  It’s a bit suspicious in that all ratings were posted on their website (not Google or Amazon), and all were 4- or 5-star ratings, so I’m not sure what happened to anything 3-star or less, makes me wonder if they’ve hidden anything.

The plant food got put into use yesterday, into my Home Depot spray bottle, which worked well in the interim, and I misted my plants fairly often yesterday (it was finally sunny and the air was drier!), stopping in time for the soil to be dry by sunset as my Wise Gardening Friend had advised.

Well, as of this morning, my plants don’t appear to have declined any further, so we shall see.

We copper-wired everything (except one, when I ran out of copper) either Sunday or Monday afternoon/early evening, so now everything’s all wired up except for one pepper plant.  We’ll see how that goes.  I know the soil has to be at least somewhat moist for the copper to conduct the atmospheric ions, so I can’t let it dry out completely.

Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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