A little curly…

Hmmm….the leaves on all the new peppers have curled upward.  It’s a mystery…

I did some searching and found that this could be caused by overwatering.

That’s a possibility, since I have absolutely no clue how often to water peppers in what conditions.  Plants don’t come with individual instruction manuals, and it seems like every video content creator or article writer has something different to say, which doesn’t help the situation any.

What’s a clueless new plant-mom to do??

Especially since it’s becoming increasingly apparent to me that the new peppers I got might not have come from the best source.  The guy might not have known what he was doing, but then who am I to judge, being where I am in my gardening journey?  Lol.

It does seem like the plants weren’t of the best quality – overgrown for their containers, such that the roots were tangled and I had to be very careful when extracting them to re-pot.  Then I might have potted them too low and not put enough soil over them.  Or whatever.  And I still have no clue how to water lol.

So I removed them from their bottom-watering trays and let them sit, and we’ll see what happens.

Meanwhile, I seem to have grown a jungle of microgreens lol…

Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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