So far, so good!

My plants are doing well!  It’s been a bit rainier, so they’ve been more moist than usual, but not drowning.

My peppers are growing nicely, still the 3 maturing ones, but now I think I’ve got 2-3 emerging, 1-2 buds to be, and 1 that’s about to sprout the bud-holder lol.  (I obviously don’t know technical terms yet lol.)

The basil and mint are growing quite nicely, and the cilantro is a bit more sensitive, some of the leaves are a bit yellowish or too-light green, but others look nice.  I can’t tell if it’s gotten better or worse since I’ve had it yet.  I know it hasn’t gotten too hot or dry, at least I don’t think so.  With any luck it’s not getting too much sun; I don’t think so there either, because we’ve had lots of clouds.


Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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