Microgreens reboot, electroculture experiment

I’d had to stop growing microgreens in the previous apartment a few weeks prior to the move so that I could get all that stuff packed properly and securely, without having to deal with any crops in progress.

After moving into the new place, I started growing more sprouts within the first few weeks, but I hadn’t gathered the focus to start more microgreens.  And I figured it was time…

I’d been exploring my newly-redownloaded Telegram app, joining some gardening tips/tricks/secrets groups, and also meeting up with some freshly-reunited friends, and had come across the concept of electroculture.

I got really excited.  I mean, stick a copper-wired rod in your pot and presto!–no fertilizer needed, and you’d wind up with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Plant.  Another friend of mine tried it, too, with amazing results!

My results were…different.  Admittedly, many of the details of my situation were different, too.  My friend was using potted indoor plants in otherwise open air, and I was trying to grow microgreens underneath a little plastic humidity dome lol.  So my rod became…a chopstick.  And who knows what kind of resistance might have been caused by the plastic, a non-conductive material?

Instead, mold spores of some kind (still unidentified) started to grow on my chopstick!  Everything I found in my info-searching pointed to black mold, but there are 2-3 other species it could’ve been.

Doesn’t matter, I didn’t want mold anywhere near me.  It was, strangely enough, confined to the chopstick I used as a rod and the copper wire itself (strange, because word on the street is that the copper should repel mold, not grow it!).

Mar 23, 2023
Mar 23, 2023

I carefully checked the microgreens themselves for any sign of mold, and they looked to be completely free of any.  So I plucked the chopstick out of the soil and removed the copper wire, washing the latter thoroughly.

Mar 23, 2023


Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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