The state of the urban mini-farm

Online shopping for more microgreens, planting more microgreens, and reviving my north-facing aloe

Went online shopping, picked up some more microgreens varieties, because 5 isn’t quite enough, especially if 2 of them are radish lol.  So we got 1lb each of 3 others.

I planted more microgreens in the 11th hour on Sunday night, 2 little sections this time, more of the cruciferous blend and some amaranth, I think? Might be green amaranth, not sure; I guess we’ll see what grows! I put these under blackout right away, whereas the first crop I left uncovered for a couple days because the instructions didn’t mention anything about blacking them out.

My aloe is coming back! I’d brought him in from the deck during the cold snap so that he wouldn’t get done in by that, and he’s doing fine in the cooler indoor environment; he’d been looking a bit rough from the summer heat. The leaves are greener, firmer, more erect.

Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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