A grand (urban garden) vision…

So…let’s talk about the garden-planning.

I spent one of the weekend days (I forget which) combing delicately through the SeedsNow.com website’s “Personality Traits” of different seeds, determining which ones like full sun vs partial sun/shade, which ones grow well in hydroponics vs soil and planters vs Other.  Using our current apartment space, I figured out a setup that utilizes our current (small, compact, limited) space for what it is we want (peppers, green leafy veggies, some culinary herbs, and some other medicinal plants).

Thought process: they’re trying to figure out how to covertly deliver mRNA “vaccines” through the food supply, namely lettuce and other leafy greens.  The research has already been underway for a over a year, and although they say they’re “years away”, I don’t buy that for a second.

More thought process: we like hot peppers, but Josh can only grow some, and only for part of the year.  HEB can supply more, but they’re mostly conventional, and they’re often on the Dirty Dozen, and organic varieties are prohibitively expensive.

More thought process yet: medicinal herbs like milk thistle (if I can grow it), dandelion (who doesn’t need kidney Qi??), and kudzu (it’s said to contain suramin, which either neutralizes the spike protein and/or reduces the graphene, nobody’s quite sure yet, we’ll wait until they’re done cashing in lol), and we also figured out how to get tobacco seeds.  Hello bartering??  Yeah!!

So here’s what I figure.  The motherlode, which will probably be used to grow the lion’s share of the sun-requiring veggies (that’d be most of them, including peppers and other), will probably be brought to life by a 4-tier/level stand setup that comes pre-equipped with hydroponic framework (72 pods total), lit by an 8-piece set of full-spectrum LED grow lights to mimic the sunlight they need.

Then…on top of the white 12-space cubby in the living room, which has a beautiful countertop space with nothing on it yet, we can set 2 of these 12-pod hydroponic units; their replacement pods are available very inexpensively here.

We measured the deck railing and found that the 12′ (84″) can easily accommodate 4 32-inch planters that hook onto the railing (found here).  And last but not least, there’ll probably be 2 vertical towers, both housed on the deck – one in the back corner between the closet door and Tattman’s bedroom window, and the other between the door to the apartment and the railing itself.

I geeked out this past weekend, creating the spreadsheet.  So far, it looks like… Green leafies can be grown in vertical towers, in shade, in winter.  In general.  Peppers need full sun (or grow lights) and can do well in hydroponic; need 70-80 for growing temps.  Invasive weeds like dandelion and kudzu can grow well outside.

I want to grow burdock too – depending on the temperature, might get inside space on motherlode shelving, or outside vertical tower (or planter?) with a grow light.

Work in progress; we shall see.

Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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