Diving in head-first

My beginner’s variety pack of sprouts came today!  All 12 pounds lol.  The only one my roommate and I aren’t too crazy about is the peas, but we can give those to someone.

I realized just how FUN growing my first round of sprouts was!  And just how therapeutic, too.  I’d been hammer with death last year and the early part of this year, 3 in a row over the course of 9 months, and I was tired of death.

When I grew the sprouts, I realized how fresh and fun it was.  Here was fresh new life, just coming into being, unaware of the world.  Each little seed knew exactly what to do, given the right conditions.  It already had its entire being and life cycle stored within its casing.  It already had everything planned out.  All I had to do was facilitate it.

So yeah, I’d started sniffing around True Leaf Market and a few other places, and found TLM’s beginner’s variety pack – 12 different 1-pound bags of seeds plus a little instruction booklet and a few other things.  All for $104, free shipping (in 2022).

Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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