An idea ‘seed’ sprouts (pardon the pun)

We’re trying to get away from Whole Paycheque–I mean Whole Foods.

They’re jacking prices, they’re now owned by Amazon (Big Tech), I don’t like the way they’re pioneering the biometric checkout, and they’re slowly converting their inventory over, getting rid of the cool items they used to carry and adding items that completely contradict their original grassroots beginnings.  So, our exit strategy begins.

First, what do we currently get at WF that we can get elsewhere?

We’re actually now getting most of our produce from our local grower!  HEB has stepped up to the plate with many common items, organic and gluten-free versions and all that.

WF carries some niche items, though, like sprouts.

I’ll grow the sprouts and maybe I’ll try and grow some garlic too.

Because f–k Whole Foods lol.

Interestingly, the sprouts and garlic – they’re the yin and yang of ease and turnaround time lol.

Sprouts?  Cheap and easy, very simple, ready in 3 days.  Garlic?  Still somewhat simple (if you know gardening, which I don’t yet), and take like 9 months of care before they come in.  Damn!  Lol.  So–instant and delayed gratification there.

Author: Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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